Blog To End AIDS: Bird-dogging Obama in NYC

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bird-dogging Obama in NYC

Five of us spoke to Senator Barack Obama today about health care workers, universal access and the Ryan White CARE Act at the Barnes and Noble bookstore on Union Square in New York City. We all got there early to get wristbands to be in the signed-book section of the standing-room-only audience, which was loving them some Barack Obama. Dude was treated like a total rock star, but each AIDSVote bird-dogger had the opportunity to have a detailed, quick conversation of substance with the Senator and future Presidential candidate. Jeanne Bergman (pictured) talked about the need for $8B for healthcare workers and gave him the one-pager with all the details. Derrick Chandler talked about his personal experience as a 50-year old Black man living with AIDS and the need to get universal access to treatment and care on the political agenda. I talked for a second about my growing up on the South Side and then gave him the rap about 'no one should die on a waiting lists for AIDS drugs in South Africa OR in South Carolina.' Jose Cruz got him to autograph the book for his daughter Marisol and in so doing had more time to talk about Ryan White and the need for full funding. We got hustled out before Lucio from ACT-UP asked his question, but we hope he'll post in a bit. All in all, a good session. Nice crowd, good venue, we sought and got time with our guy. Jeanne was really good at holding the handshake until she was willing to let him go. She's the bird-dogging rock star for today!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Lucio here.

Following up on the Obama bird-dogging post.

Here's what I did:
I thanked him for showing leadership in South Africa, and I also handed him a little packet with the Urgent Call, the PHR release on the 8Billion estimate, and a couple of small South Africa things. that went to the staffers.

after getting the book signed i hung out for a while out in back of the bookstore. he finished signing books at 2:15, and when he came out, he pretty much ignored the two autograph collectors who were there, but he did take my hand written letter (with the Urgent Call attached). the letter thanked him for South Africa, and then went to HCW and mentioned 8 Billion and the possible WAD announcement bu Bush. He was nice enough, read my HIV+ shirt, and then we smiled and nodded.

10/20/2006 03:34:00 PM  

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