Pre-Debate House Party in Bedford, NH.
Hayley Hathaway and Amy McPheeters (Student Global AIDS Campaign) attended a Romney house party on Saturday morning in Bedford, NH.
The event was packed and although we arrived early, Hayley and I weren't in the best location to get a question in. He and his wife spoke briefly, but of nothing of real importance... rather about how we should all like and vote for Mitt because when Ann (his wife) fell ill with MS, he learned how to cook for her and stayed with her even though she was unable to cook for him. The whole thing was a little weird.
I managed to get a question in during the handshake line...
Amy: "Gov. Romney, As you know, it’s going to be the responsibility of our next President to restore a sense of good will towards America from the global community. One way to do this is through global health diplomacy. Pres. Bush created a program that fights AIDS in Africa but that program expires soon. If elected, will you commit to continued funding for the Global Fund, to keep pace with the global need and President Bush’s bold commitments?"
Romney: (not a direct quote) Oh, you must be from the ONE Campaign... $50 billion, right?
Amy: No, actually I'm not...
Romney: Well, I agree it's important that we reach out, but I can't give you any specific numbers at this time.
Amy and Hayley [yelling after him]: Huckabee has!!!
Lessons learned:
1- We probably would've done better if we had asked where Romney would be speaking as it was hard to tell which part of the house he would be speaking from
2- Was glad to hear that he atleast recognized the $50 billion number, but we've got a lot of work to do on Romney!
Contributed by Amy McPheeters (SGAC)
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